Archive for July, 2007

Tear down this Wall!

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

(Editor’s note: This is an opinion piece by Paul Grim, a General Partner at SunBridge Partners, the US affiliate of Japan-based SunBridge Corporation)

We recently celebrated President Reagan’s famous  quotation from twenty years ago, a challenge to a closed regime that no one at the time ever imagined would open up and allow its subjects a real sense of freedom and choices.

So I would suggest that it’s time to set that challenge again, to another closed regime that no one today could imagine opening up and allowing its subjects a real sense of freedom and choices. Yes, I am talking about the wireless industry and its Warsaw Pact of  walled gardens.

FCC to open wireless spectrum — will Google strike?

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

There’s a lot of excitement coming from a decision by the Federal Communications Commission chairman to propose rules that will set aside wireless spectrum for creation of an “open network” free from the chokehold of large telecom carriers.

The spectrum would be auctioned off early next year. Chairman Kevin Martin’s proposal will circulated as early as Tuesday.